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Homelinks is a BC Ministry of Education accredited 'blended-learning' program offered by the Kootenay Lake Online Learning Services (Elev8 Program) for K-12 students. We are more than just an online learning program, as we offer a variety of options for digital and/or book/paper-based classes/courses. Together with their parent/guardian and a BC-certified teacher, students co-create their learning pathway for the year using an individualized Student Learning Plan (SLP). An SLP is considered a 'living document' that helps to guide and anchor a student in their learning throughout the school year; it provides a roadmap within the context of the BC Ministry of Education Curriculum. While students do the majority of their work at home, they enjoy the support of qualified teachers to help them plan, maintain, and support their journey throughout their time our program.

Homelinks Elementary (K-7) Program

Our Creston Elementary K-7 program meets BC curriculum requirements and provides opportunities for group and individual learning. We offer a selection of course materials that parents can choose from and then, with the support of your teacher, create a Student Learning Plan for your child. A $600 Student Learning Fund is available to enhance your child’s education. Families often use this fund to help with the costs of music lessons or physical activities (i.e., hockey, swim lessons, etc.).

We offer a number of group learning activities including Wednesday mornings bring your work to school where students bring course material from home and enjoy working alongside their peers. Teachers circulate and offer support as needed. Friday mornings are our activity day where students rotate through physical & health education, arts education (visual and music), and applied design skills & technology. As well, science and social studies labs/activities are offered regularly. On these days students are divided into three groupings: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, and Grades 6-7.

We also offer a weekly outdoor education program on Wednesday afternoons. These interactive sessions are the highlight for many students and cover a variety of skills including compass work, making outdoor shelters, snowshoeing, exploring the behaviours of animal migration and hibernation, and searching for signs of animal life.

Lastly, we expand the learning and appreciate that knowledge gained from hands-on experiences are incredibly valuable. Recent excursions have included Pines Camp, the Calgary Zoo, Spark Science Centre, the Vancouver Aquarium, and Broadway musicals in Spokane. We have also recently visited our local Creston Wildlife Centre, Creston Museum, Mawson Lake, and a local fruit stand and farm.

For more program details, please download our Handbook for Elementary Families (K-7).

Homelinks Secondary Program

Learners in Grades 8-12 have options for how they engage with the student learning plan.

In Grades 8-12, our traditional blended learning program allows students do the majority of their work at home, visiting their teacher at Homelinks to get help, turn in work, complete assessments, and collect new work. Alternatively, a limited space cohort program exists for Gr 8 through 10 students who live in the Creston area. These students meet at the Homelinks Centre twice weekly to interact with their teacher and other students in a classroom environment; the other days are dedicated to a 'work at home' focus. We believe that an essential part of a successful blended learning program, even at this level, is the active role that parents play in supporting their child's learning journey by helping them to stay on track.

Grade 8 & 9 Programs

Learners in Grade 8 and Grade 9 may choose one of two program options: our traditional blended-learning program or our limited-space 'cohort' program. Both programs are supported by a BC-certified teacher. Both teacher and parents fulfill a mutual role as educators with a shared responsibility for delivering all the required subjects including English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Applied Design, Skills & Technology, Arts Education, Career Education, and Physical & Health Education. While some of the learning is done through typical academic coursework, other opportunities for learning are provided through project work.

Traditional Grade 8/9 Blended-Learning Program

Much like other Creston Homelinks programs, our traditional program has its students completing all of their work at home, independently. Upon the completion of each unit, students arrange to meet with their teacher to complete any required assessments and/or to gather the next unit of study. Struggling learners in need of extra assistance can arrange to meet with their teacher for one-to-one support. Contact with teachers can be in-person, by telephone, or via digital media. 

Grade 8/9 Cohort Program

Our Grade 8/9 cohort Program (Creston program only) is a blend of face-to-face and at-home learning. Students who enroll in this program participate in face-to-face learning at school two morning per week and at-home learning three days per week. On each of the face-to-face days, students will have two work/support periods and one teacher-led lesson period. During the work/support periods, learners are encouraged to collaborate and seek assistance with assignments, content and/or specific questions.

For more program details, please download our Handbook for Secondary Students (Grades 8-12).

Grade 10 Cohort Program

Our Grade 10 cohort program is a blend of face-to-face and at-home learning. Students who enroll in this program participate in weekly programming at the school. The teacher-led programming focuses on place-based and project-based learning. Students are supervised by a BC certified teacher and will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers. Students in this program will earn 32 credits towards the BC graduation program and will complete both the Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment and Grade 10 Literacy Assessment

For more program details, please download our Handbook for Secondary Students (Grades 8-12).

Activities, Projects, and Field Trips 

Students from both the traditional program and cohort option are encouraged to participate in all of our activities, projects and field trips. These 'sign-up' activities cover a variety of interests. In the past, programming has included skiing, overnight stays at Fort Steele and Pines Camp, planting a wildflower pollinators’ garden, and entrepreneurial-focused project opportunities. This year’s learning projects will be different, but will include STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Mathematics), an entrepreneurship project, outdoor activities and more.

Further Program Information

For more information about both family and student expectations, program outlines, and/or to enroll, please contact us