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Roles and Responsibilities of Students and Parents

SD8 values the collaboration and cooperation of the teacher, student, and parent in a home learning environment. The Online Learning (OL) teacher plans and oversees the educational program, while the parent provides the day to day learning support at home. Collectively and collaboratively the three components serve to foster and enhance a strong support system for learning for the Homelinks student.

Roles & Responsibilities of All OL STUDENTS

  • Collaborate with the OL teacher and parent in the construction of an SLP, identifying personal learning needs and goals, and choosing relevant activities and resources (K-7).
  • Complete assigned work at home, engaging fully in the academic program outlined in the SLP/course outline.
  • Ask for help from a  parent or teacher, whenever required.
  • Submit completed assignments in a timely manner and when required.
  • Provide work samples to the teacher upon request.
  • Write tests and quizzes without assistance of any kind when required.
  • Write required provincial assessments (i.e., FSA, graduation assessments, etc.) as required.
  • Communicate with the teacher on a regular basis either face-to-face, email, online course assignments, forums, discussion boards, etc.
  • Participate in local activities (optional).
  • Engage with other OL students in a respectful and collaborative manner in group settings, and follow policies related to academic digital citizenship.
  • Engage in self-reflection and assessment, and provide feedback on academic progress to parent and teacher.

Roles & Responsibilities of PARENTS of OL Students

  • Collaborate with the OL teacher in the creation of a Student Learning Plan, providing information related to student strengths, academic goals, and suggest resources and activities that may meet these goals (K to 7 parents:)
  • Oversee and implement the academic program at home, by:
    • Providing a space for their student to work.
    • Making available relevant school supplies and technology.
    • Being familiar with their student’s SLP, course outlines, and requirements.
    • Ensuring that their learner completes their work on their own.
    • Checking daily work for completion and correctness as required.
    • Creating a learning schedule with their learner.
    • Providing time during each day for academic studies
  • Encourage and facilitate the student participating in collaborative classroom activities in the community or online.
  • Communicate regularly with the OL teacher to review progress and address any questions or concerns.
  • Facilitate the student writing Provincial Assessments (i.e., FSA, Graduation Assessments) etc. as required.
  • Provide information and submit relevant work samples to the OL teacher to facilitate the accurate assessment of the progress of the student.

Roles and Responsibilities of OL TEACHERS

The role of an Online Learning (OL) teacher is a very different role than that of a classroom teacher. Please see below for specific duties related to the responsibilities of teachers and how they relate in an OL setting.

  • For Grades K to 7, complete Student Learning Plan (SLP) in collaboration with the parent and student.
  • For Grades 8 to 12, prepare course outlines.
  • Provide assessment criteria and plan for collecting evidence based on the goals and activities outlined in the SLP/course outline.
  • Select all learning resources that will be used to meet the goals outlined in the SLP/course outline.
  • Work with students to complete self-assessments throughout the year and set goals in Core Competencies that will guide the learning.
  • Provide individual educational support, as needed to the student.
  • Document regular communications with students including face-to-face, email, online course assignments, forums, discussion boards, etc.
  • Plan for and instruct local classroom activities, in areas with enough local interest.
  • Instruct and supervise students in appropriate on-site behaviors for any given educational environment, including school district facilities, community venues, online course discussion forums, digital conferencing platforms and more.
  • Establish criteria and/or rubrics based on BC Ministry Performance Standards for student assessment, and clearly communicate these to students and parents.
  • Provide opportunities for student self-assessment.
  • Collect formative and summative assessment data and prepare formal and informal reports.
  • Mark assignments, tests, quizzes in a timely manner and provide regular, documented, descriptive feedback on student work as required.
  • Administer provincial assessments, including FSA and Graduation Assessments.
  • Review and explain provincial assessment results to parents and students.