Our Kaslo Program
Kaslo Homelinks is an Online Learning (OL) program of choice for students in K-9. Together with their parent/guardian and a BC certified teacher, students co-create an individualized Student Learning Plan (SLP). The Student Learning Plan is consider a 'living document' that helps to guide and anchor the student’s learning according to the BC Ministry of Education Curriculum. Students do the majority of their work at home, but enjoy the support of qualified teachers to help them plan their journey along and throughout their time in Homelinks.
Our Location
We have a welcoming, student-friendly learning space/classroom located at JV Humphries Elementary-Secondary (500 6th Street, Kaslo).
Our Teacher
We currently do not have an active Homelinks program in Kaslo. To enroll in our Nelson Homelinks program, please contact our teacher, Bianca Duffy, at 250.505.7030 or send an email.